Liberty Community Services will receive by mail or hand delivered, sealed bids on or before July 29, at 2:00pm at their offices at 153 East St, Suite 100, New Haven CT and said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately thereafter.
Bids will be received for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and removal of demolition material necessary related to Bid #4 Construction/Renovation/Work (details included in attachments).
Bid/Project Timeline:
Posting on our webpage (as Public Notice): 7.17.2024
Bidders conference/tour: 7.22.2024
Sealed Bids Due: 7.29.2024 2pm by mail or hand
Project Start: 8.5.2024
Project Completion: 8.30.2024
See attached - Bid Documents: invitation to bid with outline of work/primary specs and Bid Template.
Liberty INVITATION TO BID #4 public notice 7.2024
Liberty BID #4 template 7.2024